Why Paperback Books Have Less Pages? 7 Reasons to Look at!

Paperback books are printed books that are bound together with glue and have a cover that is made of supple cardboard. Are you curious to know why paperback books have less pages?

The following are seven reasons why paperback books have less pages:

1. Portability

Paperback books have less pages for easy portability. They are usually pocket-friendly and can be easily carried around. Also, it is lightweight and can easily fit in any bag.

2. Affordability

It is pretty affordable to print and publish books with fewer pages. This means that paperback books enter the market at a low price, affordable to any individual.

3. Lacks a List of Published Work

Paperback books do not have a list of King’s published work at the time of the release. Due to the lack of this list, paperback books have less pages than hardcover books.

4. Superiority

Paperback books have less pages to attain a superior design. Besides, their designs help create the reader’s interest since they have less pages.

5. Edition of the Book

Most paperback book editions have fewer pages due to the book’s content and the version. New editions have condensed pages, which attract the reader’s attention.

6. Small Print Size

The paperback print size book is usually smaller than hardcover books. Consequently, words are relatively small; those with eye problems can use spectacles to magnify the words.

7. Small Space Between Lines

Paperback books are written in a way that there is a small space between lines to minimize the usage of paper. The small spaces between lines make them have less pages in total. 

Why Did They Change the Size of Paperback Books?

For these six reasons, the size of paperback books was changed.

1. Declined Sales

Paperback book sales started declining and losing customers. This is because many customers complained about the size of the words, which caused eye problems for users. Due to this effect, paperback books decided to publish books with larger spaces between lines and increase the printing size to restore their sales state.

2. Meet the Demand of Their Customers

Publishers could mostly receive emails, letters, and calls from customers requesting different kinds of products with significant text, such as emails, letters, and calls. Besides, giving customers their demand will help increase the number of book sales since people are satisfied with what they buy.

3. Attain Superiority

Paperback books changed every design that they used in the past for prestige. Paperback books are now superior since they review the book’s exterior and interior design, quickly grabbing the attention of most readers. 

4. Easy to Read

Paperback books have increased page size but retain the standard width, so that the book can fit literally in any space as before. The length of the pages is increased; therefore, the texts are pretty significant, and one can easily read them without straining. Besides, this change has helped eradicate eye problems for the readers, making them comfortable when reading.

5. Discounts

Paperback books changed their sizes to at least ensure that customers attain more discounts when buying these books. This ensures that customers crave new books, which they will buy at a relatively lower price, thus boosting paperback book sales.

6. Maintain Their Profit Margins

Profit margins are always crucial when it comes to book sales. Maintaining the profit margin of a specific book sale involves many things. In the past, paperback books started to decline in their profit margins, leading to publishers and authors changing the book size to meet the customers’ demand. Besides, many things changed, such as the typing size, designs, and other things.

Why Are Books Getting Smaller?

Books are getting smaller for the following four reasons:

1. Increased Demand for Smaller Books

The majority of readers like smaller books because they are usually precise and give the answers to their questions without having to search for the answers. Besides, readers do not want authors to prove their assertions anymore. Also, people who read a lot of books would not like to involve themselves with lengthy content as it uses up a lot of time.

2. Influence of Technology

Technology has influenced the size of books, with the majority preferring smaller books since they are easy to read and complete quickly. Social media platforms are taking the lead globally, with many readers losing their way through books. If one chooses to read, they pick small-sized books to complete as fast as possible.

3. Completion of the Books

Most readers today only want to know how the book ends. Therefore, they will choose a book of a small size to get to the end of the story as fast as possible. Long books will take a lot of time before you complete them, which most readers do not like.

4. Instantaneous Satisfaction

Smaller books satisfy readers immediately because they get what they are looking for within a short time. E-readers make most people want small books to fulfill their desires. Besides, statistics show that many people will commit to reading a small book today rather than a lengthy book because of time and immediate satisfaction. Also, most readers feel guilty for not completing a book; therefore, they choose a book they can complete within a short time.

 Why the Same Book Have Different Pages

Below are three reasons why the same book has different pages:

1.Edition of the Book

Old edition books have different pages compared to new edition books. Due to factors like demand, technological influence, etc., new edition books usually have a few number of pagers. Besides, the latest edition covers the tastes and preferences of people in the modern world.

2. Spaces Between Lines

This is another crucial thing that causes the same book to have different pages. Books with large spaces between lines are likely to have more pages, while those with small spaces between lines are likely to have less pages.

3.Typing Size

Books with large typing sizes have more pages than books with small typing sizes. Besides, books with large typing sizes are suitable for your eyes because you do not need to strain yourself when reading.

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Kevin Roose

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