How Do I Write a Book Without a Laptop? (Solved & Explained!)

If you have had dreams of writing and publishing a book, you may be wondering how to write, complete it in the fastest way possible, and publish it. This blog post provides instructions on how to write a book without a laptop and other informative details that you would like to know. Keep in mind that hard work and determination will help you achieve your desired goal. Let us get started.

1. Writing Longhand

Get a notebook and a pen that dries faster to avoid streaks. Below are five advantages of writing by hand:

  1. You can do it anywhere without worrying about the power supply.
  2. You can do it in any position like standing, lying on the coach, stretching out your legs and scribbling a few words.
  3. It is relatively cheaper since a book and pen are affordable.
  4. It is easy to correct your work.
  5. You will gain writing skills since many schools use handwritten work.

2. Paperless Writing

This is the writing that takes place in your brain. It can be a little challenging if you are not used to it, but eventually, your brain will adapt with time. Paperless writing can take place anywhere, even in the bathroom, while driving, in a dark room, etc.

3. Use Your Smartphone

A smartphone can be another way of writing your book. A smartphone is easily accessible since the majority own at least one. Using a smartphone can feel like using a computer because they have many of the same features.

9 Incredible Tips on How to Write a Book without a Computer

1. Decide the Story of Your Book

This is the first phase of getting started. Write the synopsis of your book in a sentence, then a paragraph, and a one-page outline. Think of a table of contents that will be your guiding map as you write your book. Ensure you have a clear view of your book from the beginning till the end to avoid complicating your writing.

2. Set a Word Count Goal to Achieve Every Day

Setting a word count goal is vital when starting to write a book. Ensure you set a goal that you will meet daily without straining yourself. Without a word count goal, you may be lazy, and it may take some time before you complete your book. You can decide to set a one-page goal and increase it when you feel that you are comfortable with it.

3. Have a Specific Time to Write Your Book Daily

It is best to have a specific time to write your book without interfering with your regular schedule. Setting a particular time to work on your book creates consistency, which modifies your creativity. You can also get to your writing in your free time, apart from your usual writing time. Be disciplined enough to follow your timetable strictly.

4. Get a Comfortable and Specific Place Where You Will Work on Your Book

Have a specific place which will always remind you of your goal to complete your book. Choose a suitable place where you can work without any distractions. Remember, any form of distraction may lead to a waste of time.

5. Set a Total Word Count of Your Entire Book

You are now writing your book. Therefore, you should have in mind the number of words that your book should have after you are done with the writing. Here is a breakdown of the types of books based on the number of words:

  • 100,000+ words is an academic book, biography, or epic-length novel.
  • 80,000–100,000 words is a long novel or a very long nonfiction book.
  • 60,000–80,000 words is a standard-length novel or long nonfiction book.
  • 40,000–60,000 words is a novella or definitive nonfiction book.
  • 20,000 words is a short eBook/Manifesto.
  • 10,000 words is a pamphlet or white business paper.

Break each chapter into roughly equal lengths and work on your target.

6. Get Early Feedback

It is vital to have trusted advisers to help you discern the worth of your writing. This will help prevent the inconvenience of rewriting almost the whole book. Having honest feedback will help you head in the right direction.

7. Shipping

Finish your book and release it to the world. Please send it to the publishers and then release it to Amazon. Never keep your book to yourself, since you will just have wasted your energy.

8. Be Ready to Accept Failures

Embracing your failures is an essential thing as it will keep you going. Since it is your first time, you will come up against many failures, but determination and grace will help you achieve your desired goals.

9. Write Another Book

The first book is not always as perfect as you want it to be. Get on your feet and start writing another book, keeping in mind the corrections from the previous book. Set goals to help you complete your writing as soon as possible.

Can I Write a Book by Hand?

Yes, you can write a book by hand and still achieve the intended purpose of writing. When you choose to write a book by hand, consider planning your work for easy corrections and publishing. Get a notebook or rather, notebooks, since you may decide that every chapter should be in separate books. Get yourself a pen that dries faster to avoid smudges.

Is It Better to Write a Book by Hand or Computer?

It is better to write a book by hand than on a computer since it helps avoid distractions. Writing a book by hand boosts your writing creativity and lets you focus on your writing. Besides, writing by hand is quite affordable since a book and a pen are cheap and easily accessible.

Many professional writers have confirmed that distractions come from our smartphones and computers due to the variety of things they offer. Writing by hand does not require any power, since a power shortage can inconvenience your writing. Try writing a book by hand, and you will never regret it, no matter how tedious it may look.

How Do You Publish a Handwritten Book?

Here are four steps on how to publish a handwritten book:

  1. Type your work using a word processor.
  2. Submit your typed work to literary agents rather than publishers, since literary agents know the best publishers for your work.
  3. Publish your work after everything is done, such as corrections and editing.
  4. Offer your book to strangers to read and comment on your work.

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Kevin Roose

If you're looking for someone to write about technology and books, you've come to the right place. I'm a tech lover and love reading books, too. I'll keep you up-to-date on all the information you need to know in the world of technology and books. So, if you're interested in learning more about these topics, be sure to stay tuned!

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